Monday, October 21, 2013



隔天是马来西亚日,Darling就在这天提议去芙蓉走走吃吃,平时他可没这种闲情,礼拜天肯定是躲在家里睡够够。做了一些资料收集,我们这天一早7.30am 就出门了。

第一站,我们就先去Pasar Besar Seremban (GPS: N2 43.840, E101 56.200) 吃早餐。

   photo 1_zps97e4d46c.jpg
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Marble Butter Cake

Recipe (which I copied from my flour's packaging box):

Self-raising flour 120g
Castor sugar 120g (I reduced to 80g which I think just nice)
Butter or margarine 120g
Eggs 120g (about 2 eggs)
Vanilla essence 2g or as desired
Cocoa powder 4g and icing sugar 4g (I replaced with Milo 3 in 1 sachet)

1. Preheat oven at 180 degree Celsius.
2. Line a 20cm (8 inches) round cake with grease proof paper.
3. Sieve the self-raising flour and set aside.
4. Cream the castor sugar and butter/margarine until light and fluffy in a mixing bowl.

Blend butter and sugar by hand without the aid of mixing machines, it needs approximately 30 minutes to become fluffy.

5. Add in the eggs stage by stage and mix until even.
6. Add in the self-raising flour and vanilla essence and blend through.
7. Sieve the cocoa powder and icing sugar.
8. Blend the mixture of cocoa powder and icing sugar with approximately 70g of the batter from (6) until even.
9. Pour the batter (6) into a pan and followed by cocoa mixture. Use a spoon to create the desired marble design on top.
10. Bake approximately 30 to 45 minutes.
11. Allow the cake to cool on a wire rack after baking.

I made twice of this marble cake, the first time was with milk and baked for 30 minutes, the second time was with walnut and baked for 35 minutes as i prepared thicker batter. 

Experience gained:
With 120g of flour, I recommend to add in about 1/2 ~ 1 cup of milk as this really make the cake softer and moister. The dryness of butter cake (with walnut) for the second time I baked might also due to 5 minutes longer baking time, I have no idea which is the contributing factor, but I guess was the addition of milk. 

Random marble pattern simply created by a fork

Masterpiece after 30 minutes~

See the texture, it is so soft and moist, can't get enough of it!

The second time I baked with the successful recipe, but this time turned out to be dried!

Taste wise it is not bad, it just has rougher and drier texture as compared to first time.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

白叶山(Lata Berumbun)之旅: 5. 归家篇


我们共有3辆四轮驱动车上山,两辆载我们10个人,另外一辆载我们的行李还有露营用具和导游的煮菜用具等。一个人两天一夜的费用是RM200, 我是觉得超值的啦,毕竟我们吃的都很不错,而且导游又准备很妥当并让我们玩到尽兴才回家~ 有兴趣的一定要联络图片中的电话号码哦!导游们都是退休人士,把自己的兴趣当退休后的消遣并赚钱工具,他们体力分分钟还好过我们这班年轻人哦~~
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白叶山(Lata Berumbun)之旅: 4. 次日活动篇

前一晚大家都睡得不是很好,因为实在太冷了~~ 地上冰冰的又硬硬的,大家一整晚都睡睡醒醒,虽然如此,我还是睡到差不多8.30am才醒~ 还好有带救生圈去啊,因为地上实在太硬了,我都睡在自铺的救生圈“床”上(其实就是拿衣服塞在救生圈中间的洞内,再用包包当枕头),不过醒来时还是腰酸背痛~ 好羡慕导游们啊,都睡在帆布床上,舒服到9.30am了都不愿醒~

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