Friday, November 26, 2010

家家酒 mamasak~

最近越来越喜欢自己下厨了,可能自己一个人在家都无所事事吧,所以就玩起家家酒了。自己下厨有很多好处,除了那是我的兴趣外,自家煮的菜都没有放味精,而且也比较便宜。每次到外面吃后,整个晚上都猛灌水,还是好渴!煮久了,渐渐发现我的厨艺好像越来越好了。以前darling都不曾赞过我煮的东西好吃,最近反而频频说好呢~其实,每当我看到那些食谱,心中想起的就是几时要煮给他吃。所以,得到他的赞同对我来讲是一份很大的鼓励。晚餐1 四川榨菜汤用烧水烫过及稍微浸下鸡肉和四川菜。当水滚开时,放下鸡肉和四川菜。用中小火继续熬30分钟,放下番茄和肉丸。加少许盐调味,最后差不多可以上桌时再加豆腐煮个5分钟就行了~4321五花肉这道来自ohbin家4321五花肉是很多人试过都赞不绝口的一道菜。4321的定义是:4汤匙酱油(本人觉得有点咸,可以放3汤匙就好)3汤匙糖2汤匙醋1汤匙酒五花肉先下锅,4321酱料下,再加1/4杯水。盖着用小火焖40分钟,如干了再加水。当酱料差不多收干时加入蒜茸(太早加会烧焦变苦)。蒜茸变浅褐色时就可上桌了~...
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

法兰西煎饼 French Pan Cake

昨天和darling去KimGary吃晚餐时点了一份法兰西多士(French Toast),觉得好好吃哦!突然间想起家里还剩整半包的Pan Cake粉,想想也可以把它转化成法兰西煎饼,不然真不知道怎么把那半包粉吃完。把pancake mix 参了水和鸡蛋,煎了三片。学了KimGary的做法,三片pancake的夹心涂了花生酱和牛油。再淋上honey及加少许牛油,就成了我今天的午餐!好...
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kitschen Nichii 2010 Sales

今天去做facial了,好痛!讨厌洗脸,尤其是按黑头时真的好想打支麻醉药,或吃颗止痛药!但是downstream process 就非常舒服,有按摩推拿~做mask时如果不小心睡着就让整个洗脸过程完美啦, 不然时间倒很难过。洗完脸了,忍不住到处逛逛,尤其是看到S.A.L.E这四个英文字母哪能不心动呢?更何况是我最爱的两个店:Nichii 和 Kitschen。 这两间店应该是姐妹店来的。每次都一起Sales, 两间店总开在一起,而且衣服款式也差不多一样的。终于,我又再败家了~在Kitschen买的蝴蝶袖针织上衣(可以遮拜拜肉)及短裙。两件都50%折扣~总合才RM64.90 ^^再来就走到去Nichii咯,买了一件外套及一条围巾!超级喜欢那条围巾的,因为那条围巾前后都是有钮扣的,所以可以变成10个不一样的pattern!...
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Oops Cheese Tart @ Aeon Bandaraya Melaka

Those who know me well will definitely know that I am extremely fancy with anything related to cheese. Oh, when window shopping in Aeon Bandaraya Melaka (the Jusco next to Tesco) we saw this. Never plan to buy initially, but his mum likes to try every sample given. Then we were failed to escape. :pThe cheese tart is not bad, with a very strong...
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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bak Kut Teh肉骨茶 + 油菜

买了一包Uncle Sun 牌肉骨茶,加了2汤匙的蚝油,半边压扁的蒜头,半茶匙的盐,再加四片排骨,一包半的金针菇,半罐的蘑菇,就是这一锅香喷喷的肉骨茶啦~味道不输外面买的哦,而且外面的都好贵,一位要RM9,料又少少的。但是猪肉好贵哦,7片就要整RM9了,可能是Jusco卖得关系吧,去巴杀可能可以便宜一点。由于猪肉太贵了,再加上汤料材料全部分两次煮,所以一人吃2片而已咯,但是菇类就加了很多,外面的菇太少了!吃了不过瘾!虽然猪肉有点贵,但是还是觉得自家煮的比较便宜。这次忘了加豆腐皮,下次要加多多才行,因为我和darling都爱!吃肉骨茶怎能没有油菜?油菜如果单加蚝油味道太单调了。所以就拿蒜头剁碎,油炸变蒜米油,淋上已川烫过的青菜,再加点蚝油,味道就很好了,简单又美味~美中不...
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Destress for ending Sem7

It is really a great relief after I have completely finished my semester 7. This semester is really crazy as two killing assignment Final Year Project, and Plant Design all come in a rush. Now, I can really bid farewell to the Plant Design, finished all the presentation and just left out the final draft submission which is so sap sap water...
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

God creates evil?

Professor: I'll prove to you, if God exist, then he is evil.Did God create everything that exists?If God created everything, then He created the evil. which means God is evil.Little boy: Does cold exist?Professor:Of course it exists.Have you never been cold?Little boy:In fact sir, cold does not exist.According to law of physics, what we consider cold, is in reality absence of heat. Professor, does darkness exist?Professor:Of course...
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

My handsome boy-Nikon D3100

My darling bought me a DSLR camera!! After doing some survey on various DSLR available in the market, we opted for Nikon D3100. This newly launched (August 2010, and only available in Malaysia on end of September) DSLR is so handsome~ Thanks darling very muchie~ Initially we considered Sony A390 or Canon D550, but after viewing some evaluation...
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Fatty Lee @ Malacca

Yeah, darling treat us eat fresh milk fried crab~! The crab is quite expensive as it cost RM65/kg. Yet it is so worthful as the crab is really very very big! There are many choices of crab cooking way including fresh milk, sweet and sour, egg yolk, steam with salt, black pepper, onion spring, kam-hiong and steamed. We preferably chose the...
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Simply Fish @ Malacca

This weekend I and darling back to malacca again to buy a 42" Plasma TV for his mum. Of course, we were there for nice food as well! After ordering the TV from the electrical shop, we went to this shop to had our dinner before the personnel coming to fit the TV for us.Simply Fish, a shop serves wide variety of fish dishes. Just like the Manhattan...
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