It was 28 October 2010, the date I submitted my plant design 2nd draft. This plant design is really so killing. I was spending two semester in completing this assignment yet when come to the date of submission, I was still need to burn midnight oil in completing it. The night after submitting the killer, I and darling plan to hunt for nice...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ah Tuan Ee @ The Curve

Ah Tuan Ee's Place, is famous for its Nyonya delights. During our 1025 anniversary, I was really busy with tons of workload. However, darling still insisted to bring me out for a better meal during the weekend to release some stress. Here we came for ah Tuan ee's place~ Darling came this place before with his Australian CFO and colleagues...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Blog Template

今天感到很意外。在我又忙里偷闲时,游览了连接起来的blog, 竟然以为回到以前自己的部落格!咋看之下,原来是那个blog用了我以前用的template,吓到我一下,还以为自己辛辛苦苦edit的template突然间不见了。nah~ 我之前用开的template~现在看回觉得还蛮不错的哈哈~ 不过既然看到别人也在用了,就没意思了!还是有自己独有的template好,毕竟Blog是充分属于我天地的一个...
Monday, October 25, 2010
螞蟻怕酸,蚊子怕辣,蟑螂怕香 夏天來了小生命們馬上就要出動了,提供給大家一個不殺生又能驅趕螞蟻、蚊子、蟑螂的妙法。 螞蟻怕酸味 ! 家裡的甜食擺沒幾分鐘,螞蟻大軍立即來襲,讓人又氣又厭。在這裡獻給各位一項無毒無污染又安全有效的妙招: 新鮮檸檬對切成兩半,在看到螞蟻的地方及其動線,擠出檸檬汁,並拿著切半有果肉的那一面,沿途塗抹。神奇效果讓您再一次驗證大自然的奧妙! 蚊子怕辣味 蒜頭嗆退,植於花壇四周,其特殊的辛辣味隱隱飄散。驅蚊除了打掃環境、清除枯枝爛葉,試植蒜頭絕對是上上之策! 蟑螂怕香味 神出鬼沒的蟑螂,最愛隱身於掌管我們民生大計的廚房裡。面對「打不死的蟑螂」,辦法是將浴用香皂切成小塊,置於容器內注入清水,擺放在蟑螂出沒的櫥櫃內。不出數日,打開櫥櫃將令您訝異於蟑螂的無影無蹤,櫥櫃內還多了怡人的香味。想要效果持續,僅須定期 補充香皂容器內的清水。 不用打殺蚊子的辦法 一:把幾粒維生素C和維生素B2泡在水裡,將藥水塗抹在皮膚上,會產生一種讓蚊子不敢接近的氣味。...
铁人参加 Finishing School
忙里偷闲一下下~最近真的好忙哦!从raya(9月19日)回来大学以后,就没有一天是得空的!一回来的第一个星期是oil and gas quiz 2,再来就是bioethanol plant design 1st draft submission咯,过后就一起来两个test paper,再加oil and gas quiz 3, 然后就final year project proposal submission, 现在就是要交 bioethanol plant design 2nd draft 的时候啦~ 接下来的日子也不见得好过到哪里~ 一交完 2nd draft 就要交 oil and gas case study project, 然后就剩一星期的时间来应付FINAL EXAM~~~中间还穿插plant design presentation!好心,我们不是铁人咯~UPM的chemical engineering真的不是人读的!最可恶的是在这种紧要关头竟然给我来个finishing...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Kyung Joo @ Midvalley

My friend -Fishie- said I always go eat ho liao, what I can say is.. She is right! The only activity I can do in KL is to find good food, watch a good movie, and shopping. Other than that, I can only spend my leisure time in front of lappy to blog or watch PPS.This time (15 Oct 2010) I and darling go hunt for good food again. It is a Korean...
Darling姐姐在这么难得的一个日子注册了~ 我们当然都到场祝贺咯! 这一天真的有好多对新人注册呢,单单我们去的马六甲天后宫就有100对了哦,真难得可以和那么多人一起注册及共享欢乐。可是,给我的看法是:我不喜欢这样的注册方式。它给我的感觉是杂乱的,吵闹的, 复杂的。可能我为人比较孤僻吧,我喜欢简简单单的方式,只有我们二人的。虽然只有二人的订婚仪式显得有些冷清,但是可以免掉许多累人的仪式如:集体拜天公,集体放气球和炮竹,听许多名人的致贺演讲,100对新人集体玩游戏如比赛最特别的互抱、接吻、求婚方式,互饮交杯酒,100对新人注册证书颁发礼,排大合照等。天啊,看到那么多人挤在一个小小的天后宫,新人们的亲戚朋友又争相恐后的,真的好累哦!我可能患了人群恐惧症了~无论如何,每个人心中都有自己理想的结婚仪式,最重要就是新人开心!还是要恭祝各位新人白头偕老,永远幸福!一大清早就有好多人在那边等候了!真的不是普通的多人!幸福的新人...
Pork Knuckle @ Bavarian Bierhaus
Fuhhhh.. Finally my two tests and one quiz is over, it has been a really busy month for October as all assignments, tests and quizzes, final year project proposal and plant design 1st and 2nd draft are all squeezed in October! Of course there is other tiny assignments (if compared to above) as well. Although I am still busy for school works...
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